Living without illusions....

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Well.... I finally got my blog! After days of struggling hard to find the perfect name for it...I finally found a name which was not TAKEN!
I'm doing my A/Ls right now....yeah I Know that you are all wondering what Im doing posting stuff here without cramming myself to study hard... but just to let you know, This is a type of escapism... it takes your mind off the miserable side of life and helps you relax... (not that I've been working real hard to study, I've alwayz been!) Well....back to the original subject.... I've finally realized that living without illusions is the greatest task in life! (though I'm qouting from Narayan, it takes a hell of a lot of time to realize something like that...)
During my A/Ls I found out many things about life... Such as friends and foes, survival in the outside world, fighting for what is right, getting in shit for committing the wrong, and a whole load more..... It first started off when my so called "clique" decided to walk their respective paths and they all vanished into all corners of the world... Some went to International schools while the rest went abroad! Then it hit me.....Shit! I'm all alone now.... When I decided to do Arts for my A/Ls everyone was like.... Arts???? Why???? Don't you have enough results to do something like Bio or Maths... I mean...I'm sure even Commerce is better than ARTS!!! Ho Hum... Thus you have the hypocrisy of Society. (yet another lesson to be learned by many more to come) NO! I do have enough results...infact I had more than i expected..... 7 whole A's and 1 little B (no...Im not boasting) but the fact that I was doing Arts disturbed the minds of many around me... But since my parents were like... Arts? That's fine! I went ahead (though with many doubts in my mind) After much trouble I decided to take up Geography, Literature and Statistics. I soon came to LOVE Lit thanks to my BELOVED.. let me repeat, BELOVED teacher Mrs. Rajasingham... then there was Geography, which remains my favourite subject for life. Stats was like... yeah ok i guess! lol! Since it was the only mathematical subject I was taking up, i tended to have a certain dislike towards it..(still do)
Some time later the friends that I had in school decided to walk the BIO path.. Then came their inadequate opinions on how hard the subjects are and about how Arts was NOTHING compared to it... Some even called the Arts section SIBERIA... Actually it was completely the opposite of Siberia.... it was probably like the Galapagos Islands.... Mysterious yet fascinating with lots to see and learn from! Later I found myself "hanging out" with someone whom I never thought I'd be friends with... We soon became close friends as we shared the same view points about majority of subjects. But Unfortunately her old friends were a bit dominative and she decided to spend more time with them than me... Well, I can't blame her, I mean they were her old buddies and she was obviously more attached to them than me.. (no, im NOT lesbo)
Later on there were ups and downs in school, where we fought against narrow-minded opinions etc and realized that people who have narrow view points will not succumb to some lamentations of an 18 year old.....
Then.. again came the loneliness.....I was ignored by friends, pushed and pulled from either side etc etc.... But i managed to cope up with life.. Then my oldest pal Ravini whom I'd lost contact with appeared like an Angel to study Stats with me.. Sure enough we caught up with each others lives soon and she made me feel all happy again....
Then crept in the competition against students.. Scholars arrived to grade 12 and the horrible memories of the past emerged (when the grade 6 scholars came to school we totally freaked out that we'll lose our domain... LOL) How pathetic huh? well..... life is somewhat pathetic isn't it.... Ho Hum (again)lol! :D

And now it's the ending to school life.. Though I'm happy to leave school, I can't help thinking that I will regret it... All these years life was drawn out for us..and it was easy since we just had one path to follow...SCHOOL! But now its like, You've suddenly come to this junction where there are many paths to follow but you're not sure which way is correct. And this time parents can't help because it's gonna be your life!

Life is full of Illusions my friends...we feel happy when we make plans for the future but then realize its futility when things go wrong.... Thus living without illusions is actually (as Narayan says) "the greatest task in life!"

And to those who decide to conveniently SKIP A/Ls... My advice to you is DON'T! The experience you get during those last two years of school will last a life time and make you a totally different person thus enabling you to think better and do well in life!

Adios! May the triple gem bless you all always!


Kaiser Kobayashi said...

Welcome to the blogsphere!!!

Not bad for a rookie...oh hell...i'll just say it...pretty f***ing awesome...hmmm...wonder if profanity is banned on this blog...Oops :s Anyways Cheers & enjoy yourself. DO NOT make this a temporary thing...keep blogging :D

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