Behold the turtle, He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out - James Bryant Conant
The sea was rough today. The waves were crashing onto children and their sandcastles, dogs with their play items, and not forgetting the tiny crabs and sea shells...
With it arrived the turtle.
The massive creature crept across the beach waddling through mounds of sand which were mahoosive obstacles for this tired creature. After a great struggle, he gave up. He gave up, and spread himself amongst the rubble on the beach.
Crows were circling around it, dogs were barking and trying to attack, but not a sign of movement from this glorious creature.
I watched it all from afar.
I felt proud to have seen this majestic being relaxing on the beach and not bothered by anything or anyone. I felt ashamed of how I am moved by what others think about me or what others do to intimidate me...and with this thought I approached it..
That was when I realized.
It was dying.
It couldn't be strained anymore. Eyes were full of pain and sides streaked with blood. This was the moment where it all ended.. I couldn't bear to watch. It was too painful for me to see a turtle who could to live for hundreds of years more was at its deathbed right in front of me.
A tear ran down my cheek.
And with that it had its last breath. It was over, nothing more could be done here.
The wounds were already infected and the stench was attracting the loathsome houseflies.
I turned around and faced the ocean
That was when I heard the men speak. "Ikmanata muge katta gaththa nung hari" (Quick, let's get its shell) Why is everything in this world tainted with greed? Every moment is exploited and is regarded as an opportunity? Why not let the turtle be? Let it decay into the ocean where it was born and raised...Let it once again be a part of the circle of life? But no, cruelty in mankind would make them rip the creature apart, use the flesh as meat and shell as decorations.
What evil did that turtle do to deserve such a fate? Has it ever harmed any one of us? This is the irony of life as they call it. The best part is how we are able to live with it all and walk away as if nothing is erroneous.
I am the hypocrite who passed those men and walked towards to horizon.
We are all hypocrites at some point.
We can't help it now can we?
We have to face life as it is...
Good deeds never go unpunished, and sadly most of us don't get to see the evil deeds punished.
But in the end everything comes around.
Yeah, I guess...
But I wish I could do something about everything that is happening you know...
No one seems to care. Global warming as an example, people think it doesn't exist. They make up SOME theory to justify themselves.
ARGH! It's just so darn frustrating
how many times have you walked past a destitute human being and ignored his/her immediate need?
wow have a point there. But the thing is, I try and help human beings whenever I can (Did so much via interact)
But the point remains that humans can help themselves
eg: A beggar on the road carrying a child, can get a job and fulfill their needs.
But can an animal do so? What can it do when a propeller of a boat hits its arm and is wounded?
it can die :(
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