Life is a rollercoaster...just gotta ride it! (seriously???)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wut a cliche huh????? It's such a hackneyed phrase (especially because Mr Keating had a song with this phrase in his lyrics as well as the title) that ppl are like...."Hey! Enough with that already!!!" But I'm a sorta person who realizes that these simple phrases mean a lot at times...

Since I'm right after my A/Ls and since I MAGNIFICENTLY completed them by writing BRILLIANT answers (NOTE THE SARCASM) it was a period of mixed emotions for me... I was happy and excited because the sh*t was over and sad about the fact that I screwed it up and was confused about my future..... So, the ppl in my household was pretty much suffering due to my mood swings... :( Later I decided to start doing CIM. (I dnt know why the hell I wanted to do it...probably bcuz it was the only thing I liked out of the options I had which allowed me to start with O/L results and was comparatively cheap..) And now I'm continuing going for classes for CIM (thank god its part time and only takes up my weekend.... AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!) See..... I'm happy that Its on weekends and sad that I cnt even go partying on weekends.... *SIGH. Oh well..back to the topic, After going for CIM classes and spending the rest of my week basking in boredom (hmm...I'm using Alliteration... lol) I decided to do someting worthwhile with my time. So I eventually posted my C.V to the UN (for those who don't know...The United Nations!! Seriously, some ppl were like what's UN? Outta jokes..!!! :S) Anywez, guess what? They chose me to be an intern!!!! I don't know for what wacky reason they chose me...but they DID! That was it! My life was recovering rapidly after it took a turn for the worse during A/Ls... It had alwez been my dream to be working at the UN and there it was....right in front of me. (I even went in a big UN vehicle....Yaaaahoooooo!!!) I knw I knw....I'm being very juvenile.....but I'm sure everyone has a childlike qualities inside of us...... :) And right after my first day at work, when thaththi came to pick me up... guess what was being played on the radio???? Life is a rolercoaster- by Ronan Keating. Then it actually got me thinking.... Life IS INDEED a huge rolercoaster.... probably the tallest, longest, freakiest ride ever!!!! But it still has its ups and downs..... U just have to ride it.... and no matter how bad or how good the ride was, at the end of it......u feel thrilled about the fact that you actually had the guts to ride it and you feel like riding it again just for the heck of it.... So, to all those out there, who are pretty much confused about life and depressed about it.... believe me, Life ain't that bad!!! There's alwez the downs which are usually followed by the Ups, and even if you feel like jumping off the rolercoaster...U simply cannot! Thus, we keep riding, hoping to god that you will come out of the coaster in one piece.... Compare your life to a rolercoaster and you will be amazed at how many similarities they both have. So, my friends and foes..... keep riding the rolercoaster of life and try to create an ending where you will be thrilled and happy about the ride and thus want to ride it again!!! Cheers! And may the triple gem bless you alwez!


Kaiser Kobayashi said...

I agree...

and i cant believe they let you ride in the UN vehicles...shouldnt interns be bussing it to work :p heheh anyways rock! (but not as much as me)

Just a guy said...

:-) Big UN Jeep ??

Yahoooooo ????


anyways...congrats on your job !!

Anonymous said...

Life is more than just a roller coaster...
And roller coasters aren't usually as lengthy as life :P
And if there WAS a roller coaster of about 100 years I don't think anyone would want to ride it -_____-

I get what you're saying though :P

I was just applying the roller coaster theory to life and trying to poke a few holes in it LOL

It's kind of freaky to imagine jumping off the roller coaster in both theoretical and applied terms
I just scared the fuck out of myself


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